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When You Become a KelseyCare Advantage Member
You will have access to the local primary care physician you know, along with the additional benefits of our affordable Medicare Advantage plan.
- $0 Premium (on most plans)
- $0 Copay for PCP visits and preventive services
- $0 Drug Deductible (Applies to Tier 1 and 2 prescription drugs)
- FREE gym membership
- NEW dental plan
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic - Lake Jackson is now open and caring for patients at 201 That Way!

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Compare our Medicare Advantage Plans
Need More Reasons to Consider a KelseyCare Advantage Plan?
How about:
- Local ownership and customer service based in the Houston area
- Worldwide emergency room travel coverage
- See any Kelsey-Seybold Specialist without a referral
Top rated Medicare coverage doesn’t have to cost more. Contact KelseyCare Advantage today to compare our highly rated Medicare Advantage plans.
Local experts and compassionate care
With KelseyCare Advantage plans, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes from keeping the doctor you know and trust. Thousands of Houston-area seniors enjoy knowing they can choose any of Kelsey-Seybold’s premier multispecialty physicians or ANY provider, in or out of network.
KelseyCare Advantage
Peace of mind comes from having not only more coverage, but also quality coverage at an affordable cost. We offer enrollment year-round, let us help you find the plan you need.
Call 713-442-JOIN (5646) (TTY: 711)
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM CST
7 Days/Week | Monday - Friday
April 1 - September 30
*No deductible for Tier 1 and 2 generic prescription drugs only.
Ranked as the Best Medicare Advantage Plan in Texas by USNews.
KelseyCare Advantage is an HMO with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in KelseyCare Advantage depends on contract renewal. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. If you are enrolling for the first time at age 65, your effective date will be your birthday month. SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Tivity Health, Inc.