2025 KelseyCare Advantage Enrollment Kits
These materials are available in English and Spanish and can be used to enroll clients or email them directly. Each kit includes the following:
- Freedom, Signature, Core Plan Guide (ENG | SPA)
- 2025 Benefit Features Chart with Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Map (ENG | SPA)
- Important Numbers to Contact (ENG | SPA)
- Top Utilized Medications (ENG | SPA)
- CMS Star Rating (ENG | SPA)
- Summary of Benefits (ENG | SPA)
- Scope of Appointment
- Application and Multi Language Insert
- Optional OSB Dental Application (for those on Core plan)
If using these forms, please print them and ensure your clients sign them before submission back to KelseyCare Advantage.
Looking for a paper enrollment kit?
Please speak to your Broker Manager.
We're Here to Help
Please Contact a Broker Support Specialist at 713-442-4949 (TTY: 711) or email us at kcabrokersupport@kelseycareadvantage.com