For Certain Situations, Going Out of Network Is Covered
With all KelseyCare Advantage plans, you get open access to Kelsey-Seybold Clinic’s premier multispecialty physician group, an extensive network of primary care providers and specialists. But there are times when you may choose to receive care from an out-of-network provider. Some of our plans (HMO-POS) do provide some coverage for out-of-network medical services. Providers must be willing to bill KelseyCare Advantage.
If you are enrolled in a KelseyCare Advantage HMO plan, you can still use an out-of-network provider if:
- You need emergency or urgent care and an in-network provider isn’t available or nearby.
- You need Medicare-covered services that our in-network providers are unable to provide. In this case, you must have authorization from us to seek non-emergency care from a contracted affiliate provider. You’ll be charged the same as if your provider was in-network.
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From October 1 to March 31
8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
7 days a week
From April 1 to September 30
8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Monday - Friday